7 Oral Hygiene Tips

Oral hygiene is not only important for preventing bad breath and cavities, it’s an essential part of maintaining your periodontal health as well. What’s periodontal you may ask? “Peri” means around and “dontal” means teeth. Periodontal health refers to the health of the supporting structures around your teeth such as the periodontal ligament, gum tissue, and jawbone. Even though you don’t physically clean all of this when you brush or floss, they are still affected by your oral hygiene habits due to the transfer of bacteria from the crown of your teeth down to the roots. In this blog, we’re going to talk about ten oral hygiene habits you should follow in order to preserve your periodontal health as well as prevent cavities and bad breath.

Floss every day

Many people don’t understand the importance of flossing everyday. Some people see it as less important than brushing which shouldn’t be the case at all. It’s estimated that around 40 percent of the bacteria that leads to periodontitis and other oral health conditions are in areas unreachable by your toothbrush or mouthwash. Floss breaks up plaque in between and underneath the teeth, that would otherwise be left to accumulate bacteria. However, just like brushing, it should be done correctly to have the best effect.

You should start by using a piece of floss that is about 15 inches long. Don’t reuse the same part of floss because the bacteria will only make it back onto your teeth. If you’re using a floss pick, make sure you rinse and wipe the floss in between each tooth. It’s especially important to floss in between teeth that are really close together or crooked because they won’t be touched by your toothbrush bristles at all.

Replace your toothbrush

Most people try to get the most they can out of everything and it’s no different when it comes to toothbrushes. However, you should make sure you’re always brushing with a toothbrush that has firm bristles. The reason for this is that, in order to break up plaque and remove bacteria, you need a brush that is strong enough to do that. This doesn’t mean you should be brushing vigorously, however. Brushing too hard can wear down the enamel on your teeth and lead to pain and greater likelihood of cavities or infection. Use a fresh toothbrush and brush gently.

Choose the right toothpaste

Not all toothpastes are ideal for preventing cavities and protecting your periodontal health. If you want your toothpaste to be putting in as much work as you are for healthy teeth, make sure to look for an ADA seal on your product of choice. The ADA (American Dental Association) has strict rules on what toothpastes are acceptable for optimal dental hygiene. This includes a good dose of fluoride and a certain amount of other ingredients that will promote healthy teeth.

Contact Pacific Northwest Periodontics

Whether you’ve developed periodontal disease or want to learn more ways to protect the supporting structures of your teeth, contact your periodontal specialists at Pacific Northwest.