Maintenance of Dental Implants

Your dentist will provide you with specific instructions after your dental implant procedure to help you care for your new implants. With proper care, they should last you a lifetime. Although dental implants mimic natural teeth, there are some important differences. First, they are made from man-made materials and secondly, dental implants are attached to the surrounding tissue in different ways. The implant itself is made up of an artificial root and joins to the crown by something known as an abutment.

This abutment is key to the success of the dental implant and must be cared for properly in order to prevent possible infection. Because it comes into direct contact with your gums (and is supported by connective tissues that hold it in place along with the artificial root, anchored into the bone), you will need to carefully guard against something known as peri-implantis. In other words, you must help to maintain the health of your implant as you would care for your naturally occurring teeth on a daily basis.

Brushing and Caring for Dental Implants

In this sense, caring for dental implants is much like caring for your natural teeth. Your dental hygiene practices and daily routine, although not intensive, is very important as it provides the first line of defense against infection and or accidental damage to your dental implants. Just as with your own organic teeth, good oral hygiene practices always come first, regardless of whether a tooth is natural, or an implant.

Special Tool and Toothpastes

Simply put, dental implants require daily care such as flossing, brushing, and regular checkups with both your dentist and the hygienist. Your hygienist and dentist will also use special tools to repair and maintain your implants. Additionally, in order to protect your dental implant investment, you should choose a toothpaste (or gel) that will not scratch any exposed surfaces such as the threads or the visible crown of the dental implant. Instead, look for a low abrasion toothpaste and avoid those with baking soda, stain removers, stannous or sodium fluoride. You should also look for an unwaxed or implant specific dental floss designed to protect the surrounding tissues. For the most part though, you will be able to eat all of your favorite foods and you will not need to worry about removing your implants in the same way you would with dentures. You can simply eat, laugh, smile and brush normally while enjoying a lasting and beautiful smile.

For more information on dental implants or to schedule a personalized consultation, please call: 206‑575‑1086 or fill out this form. One of our friendly associates will be more than happy to assist you in making your smile one you can be proud of.