Pacific Northwest Implant Procedures

Hello, and welcome back to our blog! Last time we talked about our consultation and examination procedure here at Pacific Northwest Specialists in Periodontics and Dental Implants. If you’d like to read more about this, you can visit our last blog here. This time, we’re going to go into more detail about each implant procedure we offer, some of the benefits of each, and when you’ll want to have these procedures done. Ultimately, your local specialist in Periodontics, Dr. Rapoport, will determine which procedure is best for you and your condition, then present you with options moving forward.

Same-Day Dental Implants

One of the services we’re proud to offer here at Pacific Northwest is same-day implants. Due to our technologically advanced facility and our periodontists’ extensive knowledge, we’re able to provide many of our patients with new and functioning replacement teeth the same day as your exam and consultation. And this isn’t just for single-tooth replacement, this applies to one, many, or all of your teeth.

Anyone who does not have significant bone loss in their jaw is a good candidate for same-day implants. After the consultation and examination process, Dr. Rapoport will present you with this option if he determines it would be beneficial to you. However, If significant bone repair procedures like bone grafting are needed, he may allow more time for healing before the time of the implant procedure.

Due to the time frame, our same-day procedures are more complex and require more precise procedures than ones that span several months or years. However, there are several major benefits to having the procedure done in a single day. There will be less opportunity for bone or gum shrinkage and allows the gums and bone to begin healing immediately. The procedure is precisely executed and fit perfectly against your adjacent teeth, preventing food from getting trapped and causing infections.

Full-Arch Replacement

Just like a single-tooth replacement, full-arch All-On-4® implants will afford you the same strength and stability of your natural teeth and won’t irritate your gums. It’s called All-On-4® because all of your teeth will be supported by four implants. Developed in the 1990s by Nobel Biocare, the All-On-4® procedure is specifically designed for patients you have significant bone loss in their jaw and need a full arch of teeth without bone grafting. Due to advancements in technology, we are able to offer this as a same-day procedure for many patients.

The same-day, full-arch replacement procedure including any tooth extraction needed is performed in one surgery room visit, preventing the need for months or years of treatment. The implants are strategically placed to allow for maximum support and rapid healing.  

Individual Or Several Teeth Replacement

Just like an All-On-4® procedure, it’s usually not necessary to have as many implants as you do teeth. For example, if you have three or more teeth missing in a row, two implants will be placed on either end and a bridge of teeth will be placed on top allowing for more stability while chewing.

Traditional vs. Implant-Supported Bridges

Traditional bridges require the grinding down of surrounding teeth which can eventually lead to tooth decay. The implant-supported bridge procedure requires no grinding down of surrounding teeth and even supports the roots of surrounding teeth.



Minimally Invasive Procedures

One of our highest priorities here at Pacific Northwest is to provide you with medical procedures that are minimally invasive and allow you to feel comfortable during your whole visit. We are experts in sedation dentistry, providing our patients with numerous sedation options and general anesthesia. We also use devices like DentalVibe® that vibrate gum tissue that make injections virtually painless.

Each procedure results in non-traumatic and minimally invasive extractions which contributes to your final aesthetics and is far more comfortable for our patients. Each implant is mapped out on a computer beforehand in order to ensure that the surgical procedure goes as smoothly as possible and no collateral damage is done to surrounding bone or teeth.

If you’re ready for a consultation with Dr. Rapoport or Dr. Schuler about dental implants in Seattle, don’t hesitate to contact us at Pacific Northwest Specialists in Periodontics and Dental Implants. We’re always here to help!